Simple daily timetracking with a text file, storing the results in Day One
The default is to log the current dates activity
ruby ./timetracker.rb
To log a specific date:
ruby ./timetracker.rb 2014-03-20
Alternatively run it with launchd (or your favourite daemon) at 11:55pm and forget about it.
The log file format needs to be precise. It comprises of a date, time, activity, and one tag. The tag is what determines the type of activity and is what the duration calculation uses to determine task switching. End the day with an entry with no tag.
- 2014-03-19 23:06 | End of day
- 2014-03-19 22:48 | Email chew @email
- 2014-03-19 19:24 | Research for report on the benefits of Vegetarianism @research
- Don't forget to configure the dayonepath and summaryfile path to reflect where your day one journal and log file are.
- The format of the daily log file is pretty specific, if you change the date format without modifying the today format in the script you will break things.
- The script only recognises a few tags, add your own to the top of the file.
- Yes, I know the script is limited, and yes, I plan to improve it over time. It works for me and Yes, I accept patches ;)