Opo is designed to show synchronised full screen video on projectors connected to multiple video cards. It can also do other things, like split video across a number of non-full-screen windows, but that is sort of incidental.
Gstreamer 0.10 GTK/GDK 2.22
You need the dev packages.
To run across multiple screens you need multiple video outputs; for more than 2 screens this means having more than one video card, which in turn means having a motherboard capable of handling multiple cards. Not all combinations of video cards will work.
Try make
#show a test picture split over 3 windows ./opo -F 2 -s 3 #split a picture full-screen across 4 monitors connected to 2 cards ./opo -c picture.avi -w 1024 -h 768 -x 2 -f -s 4 #see what else you can try ./opo --help
Opo-launcher provides a means to stitch together several single-window video sequences windows into an opo-ready multi-window video.
The examples directory has scripts showing how this process can be controlled in greater detail.
In 2002 or before, Zeeshan Ali Khattak and others made a video wall using Gstreamer and Xinerama. They called it Video Whale (also described here). To run the 4x4 array of monitors, they had 4 computers with 4 video cards in each, and a fifth computer that fed video to the others over the network. Opo was inspired by that project.
Ngā Hau E Whā is an artwork developed by Leilani Kake for the 2011 Auckland Arts Festival, to be shown at Fresh Gallery Otara[3]. It requires four perfectly synchronised video projections.
Opo was a famous New Zealand dolphin.
This software was written for Leilani Kake's work, and Opo is a conveniently short and available name for a small New Zealand Video Whale.
Copyright 2011 Douglas Bagnall
Portions of opo.c were originally derived from examples provided by the Gstreamer developers.
Provided under the terms of the Gnu General Public License Version 3 (see the file COPYING or http://www.gnu.org/licenses/).
- Sometimes opo fails to show all its windows. This seems to be a race condition.
- opo ought to be able to auto-detect size.
- opo-launcher could use the stitching process's progress report
- start_stitching_process, and others could shift to a module, and testable bits could be dragged out of Launcher
- Various encoding and muxing settings could be fixed (or removed).
- opo could (optionally/ automatically) use vertical stitching rather than horizontal (i.e., 1x4 rather than 4x1), or both (2x2). Apart from making a 4 x 1024x768 video 1 pixel wider than is allowed for mpeg1/2 (which could conceivably be a sweet spot for fast decoding off slow media), the 4x1 arrangement could possibly complicate cropping and damage cache locality.