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Bikeshed crate metadata

chromatic edited this page Feb 23, 2014 · 1 revision

This is a braindump of possible crate metadata either declared as attributes or otherwise encoded in a (currently hypothetical) packaging system.

Name Accepted Values Rationale
name string
version semantic version tuple
long name/authority fully-qualified name should published names be first-come, first-served, or should a long name include provenance?
description string useful for an index of published crates
license enumerated list
manifest of files list of filenames helps to verify that a crate bundle is complete
author string
homepage / repository / bugtracker URLs
build / test / optional dependencies list of crates splitting dependences into categories helps dependency resolvers and packagers
cryptographic signature crypto hash offers some degree of protection against tampering, if signatures are distributed apart from crates
enabled / prohibited platforms list of platform triplets platform-specific crates, such as Win32 or POSIX or iOS or Android
stability enumerated list see proposal for library stability attributes
package format version version number useful to protect against changes to packaging format

All Categories:

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