- Replace all variable placeholders limited with
- Import to https://tagmanager.google.com/?hl=en#/admin/ container
%%ACCOUNT_ID%% // GTM account id (integer)
%%CONTAINER_ID%% // GTM container id (integer)
%%HOST_NAME%% // bez www (example.com, subdomain.example.com)
%%UA_ID%% // Universal Analytics id
- Create GA account (or choose an existing)
- Create GA property www.example.com, basic setup -- industry, timezone
- Save tracking ID, ex.
- Rename default view: All Web Site Data -> Backup RAW profile, setup currency + search
- Copy views to Optimized PROD profile and TEST profile
- Property Settings -> default view to Optimized
- Property Settings -> Enable Demographics and Interest Reports + Use enhanced link attribution -> Save
- Insert GTM code on every page of production site (via admin, template or another method), eventually add
<script>var dataLayer = dataLayer || [];</script>
before the first code part - Setup Search Console (https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools)
- Connect Search Console with GA
- GA -> property -> tracking info -> data collection -> Remarketing ON
- Optimized PROD profile -> Exclude all hits from known bots and spiders
- Optimized PROD profile -> Goals -> import basic sets from library (search for janrenn)
- Optimized PROD profile -> Filters
- Hostname to lowercase
- Hostname example.cz
- Exclude CyberFox Prague IP
- Exclude local IPs
- Aggregate source - facebook.com
- Exclude Language is (not set)
- !!! do not edit applied shared filter, it will change its original definition
- OPTIONAL: connect adWords
- IMPORT from https://github.com/foxpress/GTM-default-container
-- OR --
- GTM -> Configure Built-In Variables + variables UA_ID a document.head.meta.robots
- GTM triggers, see www.palmovkaopenpark.cz container
- GTM tags, dtto