A simple interface to Graphite.
%w{rubygems simple-graphite}.each { |l| require l } g = Graphite.new({:host => "your.graphite.host", :port => 2003})
g = Graphite.new g.host = 'your.graphite.host' g.port = 2003
To push data to Graphite:
g.push_to_graphite do |graphite| graphite.puts "your.metric.name 3.1415926 #{g.time_now}" end
Fork the project.
Make your feature addition or bug fix.
Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Copyright © 2010 Ian Meyer. See LICENSE for details.