You will need:
- Node.js
- npm install -g npx
npx @11ty/eleventy
npx @11ty/eleventy --serve
Published via GH action, see .github/workflows/eleventy_build.yml
Blog posts are stored as markdown files in src/blog/
The name of the file doesn't matter.
Metadata is included at the top of the file like this:
title: My blog post
date: 2024-08-02
author: Me
This will ensure the blog post title shows up in the post list, grouped by year and sorted by date. The title, author and date will also render in a styled manner at the top of the post page.
If you want to include images, you can create a folder in the src/blog/
folder, and put the markdown file there, along with any images.
Then you can insert an image like this:
{% image "./myimage.png", "My image" %}
The post list template is at src/_includes/postslist.njk
The post page template is at src/_includes/layouts/post.njk