Clojure client for the Airbrake API
(require '[clj-airbrake.core :as airbrake])
(def request {:url "" :component "foo" :action "bar"
:cgi-data {"SERVER_NAME" "nginx", "HTTP_USER_AGENT" "Mozilla"}
:params {"city" "LA", "state" "CA"}
:session {"user-id" "23"}})
(def exception (try (throw (Exception. "Foo")) (catch Exception e e)) ; throw to get a stacktrace
;; send in blocking style using the JDK's http libs
(airbrake/notify "my-api-key" "production" "/app/dir" exception request)
=> {:error-id 42 :id 100 :url ""}
;; send async using http-kit and callbacks
(airbrake/notify-async (fn [resp] ...) "my-api-key" "production" "/app/dir" exception request)
;; the notify and notify-async fns are also dynamic vars if you wish to swap them out for
;; a different implementation using the same XML request helpers in clj-airbrake.core
Note that the request
is one-to-one with Airbrake's API and not a Ring request. If you are using ring please see below about the provided ring middleware.
The request
is optional but is the only way the Airbrake API allows you to pass in additonal information.
So, if you are using the client out of the context of a web application you can use the request to send in
enviromental variables or anything else that may help in
troubleshooting. Note, that url
in the request is required if you
do provide a request
If you need to change the host name where the errors are sent you you
can use the #'set-host!
(require '[clj-airbrake.core :as airbrake])
(airbrake/set-host! "")
is available as a Maven artifact Clojars.
[[clj-airbrake "2.4.1"] ...]
Running the tests:
$ lein deps
$ lein test
Basic support for Ring is provided in the clj-airbrake.ring
namespace: request parameters and session information are passed to Airbrake. A simple ring example:
(use 'ring.adapter.jetty)
(use 'ring.middleware.params)
(use 'ring.middleware.stacktrace)
(use 'clj-airbrake.ring)
(defn app [req]
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
:body (throw (Exception. "Testing"))})
(run-jetty (-> app
(wrap-airbrake "MY-API-KEY")
{:port 8080})
- Param filtering. (e.g. automatically filter out any 'password' params)
- Allow for certain environments to be ignored... defaulting to
#{"test" "development"}
- Configuartion management? i.e. set api-key once
Copyright (C) 2010 LeadTune and Ben Mabey
Released under the MIT License: