Jason Rundell jasonrundell
- Toronto, Canada
- https://jasonrundell.com
- in/jasonrundell
- Pro
react-mega-menu Public
A React project which aims to be an accessible, responsive, boilerplate top navigation menu with a "Mega Menu"!
jasonrundell2020 Public
My personal site. Developed in 2020.
dynamic-react-components Public
Render React components dynamically from JSON.
gatsby-ant-site Public
A starter blog site made with Gatsby and Ant Design.
A Gatsby + Contentful + Netlify bolierplate multi-locale project.
gatsby-build-cap Public
A project that scans files built in `public` for any index.html files over a certain file size and can fail the build.
A Gatsby + AgilityCMS + Netlify bolierplate multi-locale project.
gatsby-starter-blog Public template
Forked from gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-blogGatsby starter for creating a blog
front-end-guidelines Public
My opinionated guidelines on a good starting-place for a front end web development team.
bitbucket-pipelines-php74 Public
Forked from pyguerder/bitbucket-pipelines-php74Docker image based on Ubuntu 20.04 with PHP-7.4/Composer/MySQL-5.7 to test Symfony projects.
Dockerfile MIT License UpdatedJul 26, 2021 -
nextjs-airtable-starter Public
Boilerplate Next.js + Airtable project
normalize.css Public
Forked from necolas/normalize.cssForked from necolas/normalize.css. An opinionated customized version of normalize.css
synthwave-vscode Public
Forked from robb0wen/synthwave-vscodeSynthwave inspired colour theme for VS Code 🌅🕶
You-Dont-Know-JS Public
Forked from getify/You-Dont-Know-JSA book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.
eslint-config-wesbos Public
Forked from wesbos/eslint-config-wesbosNo-Sweat™ Eslint and Prettier Setup - with or without VS Code
circle-ci-utility-functions Public
Toolbox of reusable utility functions that I use for CircleCI/Bash tasks