Miscellaneous scripts
File list:
usg-config-export.py Exports specified sections of a Ubiquiti Unified Service Gateway config into JSON
installdate.sh Attempts to determine installation date of a Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, or Solaris system.
motto_clock.sh Adds a time themed motto to date output.
ceval.pl Compiles and executes C one-liners with gcc. Usage example: ./ceval.pl 'int a = 5 % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 0; printf("%d\n", a);'
maya_timestamp.py Converts UNIX timestamp to the Maya calendar date. Usage example: "./maya_timestamp.py $(date +%s)".
gost94sums.sh Creates GOST94 sums file in format analogous to the usual md5sums or sha1sums.
otpgen.pl Generates a PDF or plain text one time pad.
irclogmailer.sh Emails yesterday irssi logs to watchers.
randomfile Picks a random file from given directory.
sshforget Removes a line from SSH known_hosts.
all2pdf.sh gunzips and converts all DVI and PS files in a directory to PDF.
phabricator-relnotes.py Automatically retrieves release notes from a Phabricator query and displays in HTML or plain text.
ocacc.py Obsessive-compulsive acronym capitalization checker. Checks abbreviation/acronym capitalization style against a file that lists correctly capitalized versions one per line.