This is the public GIT repository for the OpenBench LogicSniffer client, also kwown as OLS client, written by Jan Willem Janssen (JaWi).
For more information about this software and its hardware, see and
In case you're interested in cloning this repository and compile it yourself, you should do the following:
$ git clone
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
For compiling the sources, you need to have at least a valid JDK (1.6+), Apache Ant (1.8+) and optionally, a recent Gradle installed (1.12+).
On Unix-flavored machines, you can kick off a build from the project's root directory by calling the included Gradle wrapper.
$ ./gradlew build
On Windows, you can do something similar:
C:\Source\ols> gradlew.bat build
Once the build is finished, you can create archives of the build artifacts by:
$ cd build && ant init package
After this, you should find the latest binary ZIP or tarball in the "generated" directory.
To work on this project's code, you have to use Eclipse as development environment, along with the Bndtools plugin, which can be installed from the Eclipse Marketplace.
Drop me a line if you want to contribute code to the OLS repository, if needed, I can give you write-access to the GitHub or apply your patch.
[J.W. Janssen](j dot w dot janssen at