Starred repositories
Premium hand-crafted icons built by Ionic, for Ionic apps and web apps everywhere 🌎
日历、公历(阳历)、农历(阴历、老黄历)、佛历、道历,支持节假日、星座、儒略日、干支、生肖、节气、节日、彭祖百忌、每日宜忌、吉神宜趋凶煞宜忌、吉神(喜神/福神/财神/阳贵神/阴贵神)方位、胎神方位、冲煞、纳音、星宿、八字、五行、十神、建除十二值星、青龙名堂等十二神、黄道黑道日及吉凶等。lunar is a calendar library for Solar and Chinese Lunar.
PHP JavaScript 农历公历干支历互转,万年历,四柱,六十甲子,属相,十二星座,二十四节气,支持从-1000到3000年间的八字排盘及大运推算,支持真太阳时,支持分析刑冲合害关系
Fast and advanced PNG (APNG) decoder and encoder (lossy / lossless)
A high-quality tool for convert PDF to Markdown and JSON.一站式开源高质量数据提取工具,将PDF转换成Markdown和JSON格式。
A web browser that plays old world blues to build new world hope
Open source routing engine for OpenStreetMap. Use it as Java library or standalone web server.
Open Source Routing Machine - C++ backend
A tiny, simple and fast heatmap plugin for Leaflet.
⚡️Stream your games and desktop to other devices, and replay gamepad/keyboard/mouse events in host PC
Self-hosted game stream host for Moonlight.
A Virtual DOM and diffing algorithm
Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility - Install Programs, Tweaks, Fixes, and Updates
PHP Static Analysis Tool - discover bugs in your code without running it!
Real time interactive streaming digital human
Brave browser for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows.
🔥 Top-Rated Web-Based Linux Server Management Tool. 1Panel features an intuitive web interface that seamlessly integrates server management and monitoring, container management, database administra…
Lightning fast hash functions using hand-tuned WebAssembly binaries
Free, simple, and intuitive online database diagram editor and SQL generator.
Collection of Free English/Chinese Fonts for Commercial Use. 收录可商用的免费英文/汉字字体。
An image viewer with smooth enter and exit transitions, supports lazy-load and gesture control.
A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
A JavaScript library to position floating elements and create interactions for them.
an online generator that builds your résumé from JSON files and converts them into PDF / HTML format | 基于自定义 JSON 数据的简历生成器
深入探索精选的套壳站和必备API资源。本文为初学者和经验丰富的运营者提供一站式指南,涵盖常见问题解答和基础攻略,助您迈向套壳站副业成功之路。Dive into a curated selection of shell sites and essential APIs. This article offers a comprehensive guide for both beginners a…
AI 助手全套开源解决方案,自带运营管理后台,开箱即用。集成了 ChatGPT, Azure, ChatGLM,讯飞星火,文心一言等多个平台的大语言模型。支持 MJ AI 绘画,Stable Diffusion AI 绘画,微博热搜等插件工具。采用 Go + Vue3 + element-plus 实现。