Neovim + iTerm + tmux setup based on kickstart.nvim.
- Download iTerm and restore preferences.
- Download Tokyo Night Moon for iTerm.
- Download the RobotoMono Nerd Font.
- Install tmux.
Basic utils:
Enable vim mode, add the following to
.# vim mode bindkey -v '^?' backward-delete-char
- Backup old nvim config in
- Backup old tmux config in
- Remove old files
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim/
cd ~/
git clone dotconfig
ln -s dotconfig/nvim ~/.conig/nvim
ln -s dotconfig/tmux ~/.conig/tmux
- Start
- Start
- Init copilot.lua
:Copilot auth
The iTerm config is backed up by going to Settings > General > Settings and selecting ~/dotconfig
and hitting Save now.