cobalt2 theme for neovim in lua using tjdevries/colorbuddy
- Support for the following plugins:
- barbar.nvim
- bufferline.nvim
- coc.nvim
- eyeliner.nvim
- fidget.nvim
- gitsigns.nvim
- hop.nvim
- indent-blankline.nvim
- leap.nvim
- lightspeed.nvim
- lir.nvim
- lualine.nvim
- marks.nvim
- neo-tree
- neogit
- nvim-cmp
- nvim-hlslens
- nvim-lsp-installer
- nvim-lspconfig
- nvim-navic
- nvim-notify
- nvim-tree.lua
- nvim-ts-rainbow
- octo.nvim
- package-info.nvim
- packer.nvim
- quick-scope
- reach.nvim
- vim-startify
- symbols-outline.nvim
- telescope.nvim
- tree-sitter
- trouble.nvim
- vim-gitgutter
- vim-sneak
- which-key.nvim
- and more...
use { 'lalitmee/cobalt2.nvim', requires = 'tjdevries/colorbuddy.nvim' }
Use the colorscheme by adding these lines according to your config:
- Vim-Script
lua require('colorbuddy').colorscheme('cobalt2')
- Lua
Screenshots have been moved to wiki
All contributions are welcome! Just open a pull request. Please read this before creating your pull request and follow this to write your commit messages.