This sample project is to show one of the many ways to develop single page application using following tools, libraries and frameworks :
- ASP.NET WebAPI for RESTful service
- Entity Framework Code First for Data Access
- Jam for Package Management in frontend
- RequireJS for Modularized JavaScript development
- Knockout for data binding
- AmplifyJS for Ajax and Client storage access
- Sammy for Client URL routing
- QUnit for Unit Testing
- mockJson for Test data generating
- jQuery, Underscore, Modernizr and Moment.js
- LESS for CSS preprocessing
- Bootstrap for UI Style
- YUIDoc for JavaScript API documentation
- Ray Kwon (@nicekhj)
I am a just lousy coder :)
There are still lots of code to fix, add and improve.
Please feel free to make the source code better by forking and sending pull request.