This repo is to hold the calls and triggers for inpursuit.
The my pursuits array should display all pursuits owned or followed by the logged in user.
"rowLabel": "My Pursuits",
"posts": [{
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"userId": "123abc",
"userPhoto": "",
"postId": "Post123",
"description": "Test 123",
"timestamp": "12324353",
"is_public": 0
The pursuits you may like array should return a join from the users selected interestId's and the interestId of the post.
"rowLabel": "Pursuits You May Like",
"posts": [{
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"userId": "123abc",
"userPhoto": "",
"username": "Test",
"postId": "Post123",
"timestamp": "12324353",
"description": "Test 123",
"is_public": 0
The challenges array should return a set of post that has been marked as challenges.
"rowLabel": "Challenges",
"posts": [{
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"userId": "123abc",
"userPhoto": "",
"username": "Test",
"postId": "Post123",
"description": "Test 123",
"timestamp": "12324353",
"is_public": 0
This should be a return of other profiles.
"users": [{
"rowLabel": "People",
"profiles": [{
"username": "Test",
"userId": "Test123",
"userPhoto": "",
"fullname": "Test"
The remaining arrays should be ordered by category (first by interests that the user selected then by interests that the user has not selected).
"rowLabel": "Animals",
"posts": [{
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"userId": "123abc",
"userPhoto": "",
"username": "Test",
"postId": "Post123",
"description": "Test 123",
"timestamp": "12324353",
"is_principle": 0,
"is_step": 0,
"is_public": 0
The days array should be a return of post separated by the last 24 hours i.e days.
"rowLabel": "Day 1",
"posts": [{
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"description": "Test 123",
"postId": "Post123",
"is_step": 0,
"is_principle": 0,
"is_challenge": 1,
"has_viewed": 0
}, {
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"description": "Test 123",
"postId": "Post123",
"is_step": 0,
"is_principle": 0,
"is_challenge": 1,
"has_viewed": 0
}, {
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"description": "Test 123",
"postId": "Post123",
"is_step": 0,
"is_principle": 0,
"is_challenge": 1,
"has_viewed": 0
This should return an array of responses related to a post. **This array is only returned if the post is of type challenge.
"rowLabel": "Responses",
"responses": [{
"solutionId": "Solution123",
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"description": "Test 123",
"username": "Test",
"number_of_upvotes": 30,
"is_accepted": 0,
"is_declined": 0,
"has_contributed": 0
Home-detail should also return arrays for the comments, challenges and users related to the pursuit.
The messages array should return an array of messages related to the logged in user.
"messages": [{
"sender": {
"userPhoto": "",
"userId": "Test123",
"username": "Test"
"message": "Test 123",
"messageId": "Message123",
"timestamp": "12424223",
"postId": "Post124",
"is_read": 0
}, {
"sender": [{
"userPhoto": "",
"userId": "Test123",
"username": "Test"
}, {
"userPhoto": "",
"userId": "Test123",
"username": "Test"
"message": "Test 123",
"messageId": "Message123",
"timestamp": "12424223",
"postId": "Post124",
"is_read": 0
This array should return a list of accounts the user follows.
"users": [{
"profiles": [{
"username": "Test",
"userId": "Test123",
"userPhoto": ""
- A user adds them as a friend.
- A user comments on their pursuit.
- A user saves their post.
- A user contribute to their pursuit.