For TUM course SEBA, our team built a web application which facilitates book exchange, and more importantly, also brings people with similar reading tastes together.
Once reading history is uploaded, our system automatically matches other users with similar reading tastes.
After reaching an exchange agreement, users can start the exchange order right on our web app.
To lower the risk of fraud, we take deposit from both sides. Users can also leave a review for the order, which will be displayed on the other user's main page.
The project uses MERN stack.
- Frontend: React.js
- Backend: Express.js, Node.js
- Database: MongoDB
- Prototype with Figma (click here to view it online)
- Fullstack contribution
- User profile create & update
- Authentication & authorization with JWT
- Exchange order process and detail page
- Other pure frontend contribution
- All pages' layout & styles shown below
This is where user can edit their profile and book lists.
Book Collection contains the books that the user has read, those available for exchange are maked as exchangeable.
Wish List shows the books that the user wants from other users.
This is the book list generation page, where users can edit their Book Collection and Wish List. Book search is performed via Google Book API.
This page also acts as the main page. It gives a list of recommended bookmates for the user, based on the intersection of Book Collections of both sides.
Simple text messages (not realtime).
Reviews that this user has received for previous exchange orders.