##Django-invitations - Generic invitations with adaptable backends
###About Generic invitations solution with adaptable backends. All emails and messages are fully customisable.
Originally written as an invitations solution for the excellent django-allauth, this app has been refactored to remove the allauth dependency whilst retaining 100% backwards compatibility.
Generic Invitation flow:
- Priviledged user invites prospective user by email (via either Django admin, form post, JSON post or programmatically)
- User receives invitation email with confirmation link
- User clicks link and is redirected to a preconfigured url (default is accounts/signup)
Allauth Invitation flow:
- As above but..
- User clicks link, their email is confirmed and they are redirected to signup
- The signup URL has the email prefilled and upon signing up the user is logged into the site
###Generic Installation
pip install django-invitations
# Add to settings.py, INSTALLED_APPS
# Append to urls.py
url(r'^invitations/', include('invitations.urls', namespace='invitations')),
###Allauth Integration
As above but note that invitations must come after allauth in the INSTALLED_APPS
# Add to settings.py
ACCOUNT_ADAPTER = 'invitations.models.InvitationsAdapter'
###Sending Invites
# inviter argument is optional
invite = Invitation.create('[email protected]', inviter=request.user)
To send invites via django admin, just add an invite and save.
###Bulk Invites
Bulk invites are supported via JSON. Post a list of comma separated emails to the dedicated URL and Invitations will return a data object containing a list of valid and invalid invitations.
python manage.py test
or tox
###Additional Configuration
Integer. How many days before the invitation expires.
Boolean. If the site is invite only, or open to all.
ALLOW_JSON_INVITES (default=False)
Expose a URL for authenticated posting of invitees
INVITATIONS_SIGNUP_REDIRECT (default='account_signup')
URL name of your signup URL.
INVITATIONS_ADAPTER (default='invitations.adapters.BaseInvitationsAdapter')
Used for custom integrations. ACCOUNT_ADAPTER overrides this setting
The following signals are emitted:
###Management Commands Expired and accepted invites can be cleared as so:
python manage.py clear_expired_invitations