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jberryman committed Aug 5, 2012
2 parents e9c4050 + df7eee2 commit 7b0e270
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Showing 5 changed files with 277 additions and 185 deletions.
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions Benchmark.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
module Main

import Criterion.Config
import Criterion.Main
import Criterion.Types
import System.Random

import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Concurrent.Actors
import Control.Concurrent.Chan.Split
import TreeExample

-- put benchmarking & optimizing on hold until we can figure out how to get
-- consistent results....

main0 = defaultMain [
bench "calibrate" $ whnf sqrt 999999999
-- bgroup "actors" [
-- bench "insert 1000, query 1000" $ whnfIO $ testActors (2^10 - 1, 1000)
-- , bench "insert 1000, query 100000" $ whnfIO $ testActors (2^10 - 1, 100000)
-- -- , bench "insert 100000, query 100000" $ whnfIO $ testActors (2^17 - 1,100000)
-- ]
-- , -- compare with Set, for a benchmark:
-- bgroup "intmap" [
-- bench "insert 1000, query 1000" $ whnfIO $ testSet (1000,1000)
-- , bench "insert 1000, query 100000" $ whnfIO $ testSet (1000,100000)
-- , bench "insert 100000, query 100000" $ whnfIO $ testSet (100000,100000)
-- ]

main = testActors (2^10 - 1, 1000) >>= print

seed = 2876549687276 :: Int

-- SET
testSet :: (Int,Int) -- (size of tree, number of queries)
-> IO Int -- number of Ints present
testSet (x,y) = do
let s = S.fromList $ friendlyList x

--g <- getStdGen
let g = mkStdGen seed

-- we'll take our random queries such that about half are misses:
let is = take y $ randomRs (1, x*2) g :: [Int]
results = map (\i-> (i, S.member i s)) is
-- evaled to whnf so all work is done:
payload = length $ filter snd results
return payload

testActors :: (Int,Int) -> IO Int
testActors (x,y) = do
t <- spawn nil
mapM_ (insert t) $ friendlyList x
--g <- getStdGen
let g = mkStdGen seed

let is = take y $ randomRs (1, x*2) g :: [Int]
results <- getChanContents =<< streamQueries t is
let payload = length $ filter snd $ take y results
return payload

-- create a list 1..n, ordered such that we get a mostly-balanced tree when
-- inserted sequentially:
friendlyList :: Int -> [Int]
friendlyList n = fromSorted [1..n]

-- lists of length 2^x - 1 will result in perfectly-balanced trees
fromSorted :: [a] -> [a]
fromSorted = foldl mkList [] . divide 1
where mkList l (n:ns) = n : l ++ fromSorted ns
divide _ [] = []
divide c xs = take c xs : divide (c*2) (drop c xs)
202 changes: 129 additions & 73 deletions Control/Concurrent/Actors.lhs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
> {-# LANGUAGE CPP, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

This module exports a simple, idiomatic implementation of the Actor Model.

> module Control.Concurrent.Actors (
> {- |
> Here we demonstrate a binary tree of actors that supports insert and query
> operations:
> Here we demonstrate a binary tree of actors that supports concurrent
> insert and query operations:
> > import Control.Concurrent.Actors
> > import Control.Applicative
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,38 +68,15 @@ This module exports a simple, idiomatic implementation of the Actor Model.
> -}
> -- * Actor Behaviors
> {- |
> In the Actor Model, at each step an actor...
> - processes a single 'received' message
> - may 'spawn' new actors
> - may 'send' messages to other actors
> - 'return's the 'Behavior' for processing the /next/ message
> These actions take place within the @Action i@ monad, where @i@ is the type
> of the input message the actor receives.
> /N.B.:/ the MonadIO instance here is an abstraction leak. An example of a
> good use of 'liftIO' might be to give an @Action@ access to a source of
> randomness.
> -}
> Action()
> {- |
> An actor is created by 'spawn'ing a @Behavior@. Behaviors consist of a
> composed 'Action' that is executed when a message is 'received' and
> returns the @Behavior@ for processing the next input.
> -}
> , Behavior(..)
> -- ** Composing Behaviors
> -- ** Composing and Transforming Behaviors
> , (<.|>)
> -- * Available actions
> -- ** Message passing
> , Mailbox()
> , send
> , send , send' , (<->)
> , received
> , guardReceived
> -- ** Spawning actors
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,6 +130,17 @@ This module exports a simple, idiomatic implementation of the Actor Model.
> , yield
> , receive
> -- ** Composing and Transforming Mailboxes
> {- |
> We offer some operations to split and combine 'Mailbox'es of sum and
> product types.
> -}
> , coproductMb
> , productMb
> , zipMb
> , faninMb
> , fanoutMb
> -- * Utility functions
> {- |
> These are useful for debugging 'Behavior's
Expand All @@ -174,6 +162,7 @@ This module exports a simple, idiomatic implementation of the Actor Model.
> import Control.Monad.IO.Class
> import Control.Concurrent(forkIO)
> import Data.Monoid
> import Control.Arrow((***),(&&&),(|||))
> -- from the contravariant package
> import Data.Functor.Contravariant
Expand All @@ -185,48 +174,42 @@ This module exports a simple, idiomatic implementation of the Actor Model.

------ CPP MACROS ------

These macros are only provided by cabal unfortunately.... makes it difficult to
work with GHCi:

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,3,0)
> void :: (Monad m)=> m a -> m ()
> void = (>> return ())
- allow destructuring using UndecidableInstances (see mockup) on spawn, allowing for new, awesome synchronization semantics!
- make that also work with Behaviors of arbitrary input types using new GHC generics!


- define natural transformation combinators (in IO unfortunately)
'categories' for Mailbox. So
- :: Mailbox (a,b) -> (Mailbox a, Mailbox b) -- divide?
- :: Mailbox a -> Mailbox b -> Mailbox (Either a b) -- add?
- etc...
put these in a separate sub-module, optionally import, mention how an
extension to actor model or something
- allow supplying the first input message for an actor during spawn. This is
awkward otherwise. Include in same sub-module as above?
- performance testing:
- performance tuning / benchmarking:
+ look at interface file: ghc -ddump-hi Control/Concurrent/Actors.hs -O -c
+ remove current PRAGMA
- close browser and everything, do a fake quick benchmark to get clock info
- be more controlled about the source lists (do once before defaultMain), use 'evaluate'
- run with +RTS -s and make sure everything is 0
- see if case-based nil is better
- get accurate baseline comparison between actors and set
- test again with SPECIALIZE instead
- try adding INLINE to all with higher-order args (or higher-order newtype wrappers)
and make sure our LHS looks good for inlining
- specialize `Action i (Behavior i)` or allow lots of unfolding... ? Optimize those loops, somehow. Rewrite rules?
- take a look at threadscope for random tree test
- get complete code coverage into simple test module
- look at "let floating" and INLINEABLE to get functions with "fully-applied (syntactically) LHS"
- compare with previous version (cp to /tmp to use previous version)
- get complete code coverage into simple test module
- interesting solution to exit detection:
- better method for waiting for threads to complete. should probably use
actor message passing
- look into whether we should use Text lib instead of strings?
-import Data.String, make polymorphic over IsString
-test if this lets us use it in importing module w/ OverloadedStrings
- structured declarative and unit tests
- some sort of exception handling technique via Actors
(look at enumerator package)
- strict send' function

- dynamically-bounded chans, based on number of writers to control
producer/consumer issues? Possibly add more goodies to chan-split
- look at what Functor/Contravariant for read/write ends, and corresponding
natural transformations those allow suggest about limits of Actor model
and investigate inverse of Actors (Reducers?)
- create an experimental Collectors sub-module
- investigate ways of positively influencing thread scheduling based on
actor work agenda?
- export some more useful Actors and global thingies
Expand All @@ -236,7 +219,13 @@ Later:
- an actor that sends a random stream?
- a pre-declared Mailbox for IO?

- some sort of exception handling technique (using actors?)
- abilty to launch an actor that automatically "replicates" if its chan needs more
consumers. This should probably be restricted to an `Action i ()` that we
- can we automatically throttle producers on an Actor system level,
optimizing message flow with some algorithm?
- provide an "adapter" for amazon SQS, allowing truly distributed message
- investigate erlang-style selective receive (using Alternative?)
Expand All @@ -256,32 +245,79 @@ Later:
(maybe letting us use useful enumerators)
...also now pipes, conduits, etc. etc.

- study ambient/join/fusion calculi for clues as to where it's really at


By defining our Mailbox as the bare "send" operation we get a very convenient
way of defining contravariant instance, without all the overhead we had before,
while ALSO now supporting some great natural transformations on Mailboxes &

We use this newtype to get 'Contravariant' for free, possibly revealing other

> type Sender a = Op (IO ()) a
> mailbox :: (a -> IO ()) -> Mailbox a
> mailbox = Mailbox . Op
> runMailbox :: Mailbox a -> a -> IO ()
> runMailbox = getOp . sender
> mkMailbox :: InChan a -> Mailbox a
> mkMailbox = mailbox . writeChan
> mkMessages :: OutChan a -> Messages a
> mkMessages = Messages . readChan
> -- | One can 'send' a messages to a @Mailbox@ where it will be processed
> -- according to an actor\'s defined 'Behavior'
> newtype Mailbox a = Mailbox { inChan :: InChan a }
> newtype Mailbox a = Mailbox { sender :: Sender a }
> deriving (Contravariant)

We don't need to expose this thanks to the miracle of MonadFix and recursive do,
but this can be generated via the NewSplitChan class below if the user imports
the library:

> newtype Messages a = Messages { outChan :: OutChan a }
> newtype Messages a = Messages { readMsg :: IO a }
> deriving (Functor)
> -- Not sure how to derive this or if possible:
> instance SplitChan Mailbox Messages where
> readChan = readChan . outChan
> writeChan = writeChan . inChan
> writeList2Chan = writeList2Chan . inChan
> readChan = readMsg
> writeChan = runMailbox
> instance NewSplitChan Mailbox Messages where
> newSplitChan = fmap (\(i,o)-> (Mailbox i, Messages o)) newSplitChan
> newSplitChan = (mkMailbox *** mkMessages) `fmap` newSplitChan

For Mailboxes we can define all transformations associated with Cartesian and
CoCartesian (from 'categories') but where the category is Dual (->), i.e. the
order of the transformation is flipped.

I don't know if/how these precisely fit into an existing class, but for now here
are a handful of useful combinators:

> coproductMb :: Mailbox a -> Mailbox b -> Mailbox (Either a b)
> coproductMb m1 m2 = mailbox $ either (writeChan m1) (writeChan m2)
> zipMb :: Mailbox a -> Mailbox b -> Mailbox (a,b)
> zipMb m1 m2 = mailbox $ \(a,b) -> writeChan m1 a >> writeChan m2 b
> -- | > productMb = contramap Left &&& contramap Right
> productMb :: Mailbox (Either a b) -> (Mailbox a, Mailbox b)
> productMb = contramap Left &&& contramap Right
> -- | > faninMb f g = contramap (f ||| g)
> faninMb :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c)-> Mailbox c -> Mailbox (Either a b)
> faninMb f g = contramap (f ||| g)
> -- | > fanoutMb f g = contramap (f &&& g)
> fanoutMb :: (a -> b) -> (a -> c) -> Mailbox (b,c) -> Mailbox a
> fanoutMb f g = contramap (f &&& g)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -353,6 +389,23 @@ source of confusion (or the opposite)... I'm not sure.
> send :: (MonadIO m, SplitChan c x)=> c a -> a -> m ()
> send b = liftIO . writeChan b

> -- | A strict 'send':
> --
> -- > send' b a = a `seq` send b a
> send' :: (MonadIO m, SplitChan c x)=> c a -> a -> m ()
> send' b a = a `seq` send b a

> infixr 1 <->
> -- | Like 'send' but supports chaining sends by returning the Mailbox.
> -- Convenient for initializing an Actor with its first input after spawning,
> -- e.g.
> --
> -- > do mb <- 0 <-> spawn foo
> (<->) :: (MonadIO m, SplitChan c x)=> a -> m (c a) -> m (c a)
> a <-> mmb = mmb >>= \mb-> send mb a >> return mb

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -389,8 +442,11 @@ FORKING ACTORS

> -- | Fork an actor performing the specified 'Behavior'. /N.B./ an actor
> -- begins execution of its 'headBehavior' only after a mesage has been
> -- received. See also 'spawn_'.
> -- begins execution of its 'headBehavior' only after a message has been
> -- received; for sending an initial message to an actor right after 'spawn'ing
> -- it, ('<|>') can be convenient.
> --
> -- See also 'spawn_'.
> spawn :: (MonadIO m)=> Behavior i -> m (Mailbox i)
> spawn b = do
> (m,s) <- liftIO newSplitChan
Expand Down

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