This implementation uses the Chisel hardware construction language:
- GCC-4.8+/Apple Clang 4.2+
- J2SE 7.0+
- SBT 0.13.0+ (
- ImageMagick
SBT (Scala build tool) will automatically download and install the remaining dependencies, including Scala and the Chisel library.
sudo apt-get install gcc g++ openjdk-7-jre sbt imagemagick
Download and install Java from here:
If the system compiler is not already installed:
xcode-select --install
sudo port install sbt imagemagick
To run the whole design in simualtion:
cd hardware
make run
Output framebuffer is written to 'output.png' The simulator writes a waveform trace to 'trace.vcd'
To run unit tests:
make tests
To synthesize:
make verilog
The result will be in hardware/generated_verilog/