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@daxian-dbw daxian-dbw tagged this 13 Sep 22:26
Here are the major changes:

* Breaking change

- Fix `Get-Content -Delimiter` to not include the delimiter in the array elements returned (#3706) (Thanks @mklement0)
- Rename `$IsOSX` to `$IsMacOS` (#4757)

* Engine updates and fixes

- Use stricter rules when unwrapping a PSObject that wraps a COM object (#4614)
- Remove appended Windows PowerShell `PSModulePath` on Windows. (#4656)
- Ensure `GetNetworkCredential()` returns null if PSCredential has null or empty user name (#4697)
- Push locals of automatic variables to 'DottedScopes' when dotting script cmdlets (#4709)
- Fix `using module` when module has non-terminating errors handled with `SilentlyContinue` (#4711) (Thanks @iSazonov)
- Enable use of 'Singleline,Multiline' option in split operator (#4721) (Thanks @iSazonov)
- Fix error message in `ValidateSetAttribute.ValidateElement()` (#4722) (Thanks @iSazonov)

* General cmdlet updates and fixes

- Add Meta, Charset, and Transitional parameters to `ConvertTo-HTML` (#4184) (Thanks @ergo3114)
- Prevent `Test-ModuleManifest` from loading unnecessary modules (#4541)
- Remove AlternateStream code and `-Stream` from provider cmdlets on non-Windows (#4567)
- Add explicit ContentType detection to `Invoke-RestMethod` (#4692)
- Fix an error on `Enter-PSSession` exit (#4693)
- Add `-WhatIf` switch to `Start-Process` cmdlet (#4735) (Thanks @sarithsutha)
- Remove double spaces in .cs, .ps1, and .resx files (#4741 & #4743) (Thanks @korygill)
- Replace 'Windows PowerShell' with 'PowerShell' in resx files (#4758) (Thanks @iSazonov)

* Build and Packaging Improvements

- Refactor MSBuild project files to get PowerShell version from git tag (#4182) (Thanks @iSazonov)
- Create a single package for each Windows supported architecture (x86 and amd64) (#4540)
- Set the default windows RID to win7-<arch> (#4701)
- Enable cross-compiling for Raspberry-PI arm32 (#4742)
- Fix macOS brew reinstall command (#4627) (Thanks @TheNewStellW)
- Improvements to the Travis-CI script (#4689, #4731, #4807)
- Update OpenSUSE docker image to 42.2 (#4737)
- Confirm `Start-PSPackage` produces a package (#4795)

* Test

- Add test WebListener module and tests for Web Cmdlet Certificate Authentication (#4622) (Thanks @markekraus)
- Move WebCmdlets HTTPS tests to WebListener (#4733) (Thanks @markekraus)
- Replace tests With WebListener (#4738) (Thanks @markekraus)

* Documentation

- Clarify the Pull Request process, roles, and responsibilities (#4710)
- Update coding guidelines to make it more concrete and useful in a review process (#4754)
Assets 2