Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
A curated list of awesome resources about Recommender Systems.
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人工智能学习路线图,整理近200个实战案例与项目,免费提供配套教材,零基础入门,就业实战!包括:Python,数学,机器学习,数据分析,深度学习,计算机视觉,自然语言处理,PyTorch tensorflow machine-learning,deep-learning data-analysis data-mining mathematics data-science artificial…
Word2vec, Fasttext, Glove, Elmo, Bert, Flair pre-train Word Embedding
Classic papers and resources on recommendation
Code and data for ECML-PKDD paper "Social Influence Attentive Neural Network for Friend-Enhanced Recommendation"
A repository of machine learning codes written for re-usability
Neural Collaborative Filtering
Implementation for paper: Recommendation Based on Review Texts and Social Communities: A Hybrid Model
This project implements "one-class" recommendation system to solve user preference problem by leveraging social connections of users.
A PyTorch implementation of Graph Neural Networks for Social Recommendation (GraphRec)
This is our implementation of SAMN: Social Attentional Memory Network
RSTutorials: A Curated List of Algorithms about Traditional and Social Recommender System.
QRec: A Python Framework for quick implementation of recommender systems (TensorFlow Based)
Docker images and test runners that replicate the live AWS Lambda environment
Tutorial for Movie Recommendation using RNN based neural network
TensorFlow Implementation of Deep Item-based Collaborative Filtering Model for Top-N Recommendation