kit Public
Forked from go-kit/kitA standard library for microservices.
Go MIT License UpdatedAug 30, 2018 -
diceroller Public
A Golang library for rolling dice.
DarkSkyApi Public archive
An unofficial C# library for the Dark Sky weather service. Targets .NET Standard 1.1.
isitonspotify Public
A simple website to check if a track is on Spotify, and what regions it's available in.
ayulin.net Public
Old, Jekyll-powered personal site, since replaced by Hugo.
JavaScript UpdatedJun 17, 2017 -
ColemakConverter Public
Convert ciphertext written in QWERTY (with Colemak keys) back into plaintext.
SGEnviro Public
An unofficial C# Portable Class Library for Singapore's National Environment Agency API.
C# MIT License UpdatedAug 18, 2016 -
viki-api-gem Public
Viki API gem is an official wrapper gem for the Viki V4 API
tmk_keyboard Public
Forked from cub-uanic/tmk_keyboardkeyboard controller firmware for Atmel AVR USB family
VagrantAnaconda Public
Vagrant provisioning for out of the box Anaconda (IDE) support. Clone, vagrant up, and go.
chocolatey-packages Public
Forked from ghuntley/chocolatey-packagesPackage definitions by @ghuntley for @chocolatey
PowerShell UpdatedMar 23, 2015 -
SharpSquare Public
Forked from TICLAB/SharpSquareFourSquare SDK for .NET
ergodox-firmware Public
Forked from benblazak/ergodox-firmwarefirmware for the ergoDOX keyboard
C Other UpdatedAug 16, 2014 -
GoogleGeocodingAPI Public
Forked from arein/GoogleGeocodingAPIA Wrapper for Google's Geocoding API Targeting Windows Store Apps
C# UpdatedJul 7, 2014 -
WundergroundAutocomplete.NET Public
Weather Underground Autocomplete API for .NET. Supports .NET 4.5, Silverlight 4, and WP7.5+
C# MIT License UpdatedJun 5, 2014 -
SimpleSwarmer Public
A simple Particle Swarm Optimization library for Java.
Java UpdatedApr 10, 2014 -
Zunify Public
Tool to parse Zune playlists (.zpl) and export them to a more human-readable format.
Marginator Public
An AutoHotkey script for window management on widescreen, high-resolution monitors.
coursemology.org Public
Forked from Coursemology/coursemology.orgRuby MIT License UpdatedJan 7, 2014 -
wpXml2Jekyll Public
Forked from theaob/wpXml2JekyllThis tool converts your Wordpress XML file to individual Jekyll & Octopress compatible markdown posts
C# UpdatedDec 28, 2013 -
cmder Public
Forked from cmderdev/cmderLovely console emulator package for Windows
C++ UpdatedDec 26, 2013 -
CS3213-Homework-2 Public
Single-page Backbone.js app for CS3213 Homework 2 and 4
JavaScript UpdatedNov 12, 2013 -
AgentIntervals Public
An interval-running timer for the AGENT Smartwatch.
C# MIT License UpdatedAug 17, 2013 -
MicroHeartBeat Public
A helper class library for .NET Micro Framework applications that need a regular timer.
IntervalTimer Public
A simple interval timer for the .NET Micro Framework.
C# MIT License UpdatedJun 9, 2013 -
todoPad Public
(INCOMPLETE) A simple text editor with syntax highlighting for todo.txt files.
C# MIT License UpdatedMay 27, 2013