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22 Apr 09:47
* The sort command creates any needed temporary files alongside the final output file (similarly to the pre-1.3 behaviour), and now aborts when it detects a collision with another sort invocation's temporary files. When the -T PREFIX option specified is a directory (or when sorting to standard output), a random component is now added to temporary filenames to try to avoid collisions (#432, #523, #529, #535, PR #530). * All samtools commands now check for I/O errors more carefully, especially when writing output files (#111, #253, #470, PR #467). * Build fixes for 32-bit systems; be sure to run configure on such systems to enable large file support and access to 2GiB+ files. * The fasta/fastq/bam2fq command no longer ignores reads when the -s option is used (#532). * The fastq -O option no longer crashes on reads that do not have an OQ tag field (#517). * The merge and sort commands now handle (unusual) BAM files that have no textual @SQ headers (#548, #550). * Sorting files containing @CO headers no longer duplicates the comment headers, which previously happened on large sorts for which temporary files were needed (#563). * The rmdup and view -l commands no longer crash on @RG headers that do not have a LB field (#538). * Fixed miscellaneous issues #128, #130, #131, #489, and #514.