PongOS is a graphical version of Pong written entirely in assembly. It is designed to be booted from a floppy (image.) It was a class project for CpS 230 Computer Systems and was co-authored with Brad Yinger (GitHub at: https://github.com/alphabj.)
Download the floppy.img
file from the released downloads, create a new virtual machine with a floppy drive, and mount the image file as that floppy drive. Boot the VM and have fun!
Left paddle movement: Q/A Right paddle movement: O/L
One macOS:
brew install qemu
qemu-system-i386 -fda floppy.img
QEMU fullscreen notes:
- Uncapture mouse cursor: ctrl+opt+g
- Exit fullscreen: cmd+f
Building is accomplished by running the buildPong.sh
file. NASM is required, as is the unix utility dd
. The two asm source files are compiled separately and then combined together to make the floppy image file.