An implementation of PHP CAS, referenced here
Followed the spec, and implemented more OOP than the given library found here:
Currently this implementation is SSO only without any proxy granting functionality for simple SSO only use-cases.
Copy the config file located at vendor/j-crowe/php-cas/src/JCrowe/PHPCas/config.php into your root directory at config/php-cas.php and modify as needed
Instantiate the PHPCasProvider in your code
$provider = PHPCasProvider::make();
- When a login is required use any of the login methods available through the $provider object
* Do the basic cas authentication which involves the following steps:
* 1) Redirect the user to the CAS sso server
* 2) User authenticates with the CAS sso server if not already logged in
* 3) CAS server redirects user back to the provided $callbackURL
$provider->doBasicCasAuthentication('https://' . $_SERVER['http_host'] . '/auth/cas');
* Do a basic cas authentication without redirecting back to this app
* 1) Redirect user to the CAS sso server
* 2) User authenticates with the CAS sso server if not already logged in
* 3) User flow is dictated by the CAS server
* Go to the cas authentication sso server and force user to input credentials
* regardless of their current logged in status.
* 1) Redirect the user to the CAS sso server
* 2) User authenticates with the CAS sso server regardless of current logged in status
* 3) CAS server redirects user back to the provided $callbackURL
$provider->makeUserLoginOrReAuthenticate('https://' . $_SERVER['http_host'] . '/auth/cas');
* Go to the CAS authentication sso server and if the user is already logged in return back with
* the logged in ticket, otherwise return back without one
$provider->authenticateUserOnlyIfAlreadyLoggedIn('https://' . $_SERVER['http_host'] . '/auth/cas');
- Validate the login ticket provided by the cas user and log the user in to your application
if (isset($_REQUEST['ticket')) {
$serviceCallbackUrl = 'https://' . $_SERVER['http_host'] . '/auth/cas';
try {
$provider->handleLoginResponse($serviceCallbackUrl, $_REQUEST['ticket']);
$authenticatedUser = $provider->getAuthenticatedUser();
// do something with your newly authenticated user!
} catch (JCrowe\PHPCas\Exceptions\InvalidTicketException $e) {
// invalid ticket, we need to have the user re-authenticate