This repository includes the MATLAB codes to implement the experimental results of the following paper:
- H. Wang, L. F. Toso, J. Anderson (2022). FedSysID: A Federated Approach to Sample-Efficient System Identification
To run the codes in this repository, you only need a working MATLAB installation. In this paper we implement our FedSysId algorithm with two different FL solvers:
- FedAvg - Ref [1]
- FedLin - Ref [2]
The nominal system considered in our experiments was first presented in Ref [3]
- Brendan McMahan, Eider Moore, Daniel Ramage, Seth Hampson, Blaise Aguera y Arcas (2017) Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data
- Aritra Mitra, Rayana Jaafar, George J. Pappas, Hamed Hassani (2021) Linear Convergence in Federated Learning: Tackling Client Heterogeneity and Sparse Gradients
- Lei Xin, Lintao Ye, George Chiu, Shreyas Sundaram (2022) Identifying the Dynamics of a System by Leveraging Data from Similar Systems
If you have any trouble running those codes or have any question about the paper, please email Leonardo F. Toso or Han Wang.