A telegram bot for automating activities in a smart-ish home.
There are two ways to interact with the bot, chatting with it on telegram and hitting its flask API.
bot, choose {args}
Bot will choose one of the (space separated) args given to it.
bot, say {args}
Bot will repeat args said to it
bot, spam
Bot will tag everyone in the house
bot, santa
Bot will arrange a secret santa gift exchange. Each member of the house will receive their number and the number of their gift recipient. Users should then tell eachother their own numbers. The algorithm used does not allow inner loops (such as A->B and then B->A).
bot, choose {args}
Bot will choose one of the (space separated) args given to it.
Bot says hi back
roll {num}d{sides} {style}
Bot rolls dice and tells you the total. {num} is the number of dice to be rolled and {sides} is the number of sides on each die. {style} can be blank, "quietly" or "loudly". If left blank, the bot will tell you rolls based on the number of dice. Under ten and each die result is sent on a new line, under 50 each die result is printed inline, but over 50 only the result is sent. "quietly" mimics the last behavior while "loudly" mimics the first.
say {args}
Bot will repeat args said to it
who am I
Bot will tell you your name
Bot will send a message to the group chat letting everyone know there is someone at the door.
The following instructions are for Ubuntu Server 16.04
sudo apt-get install -Y python3 python-pip3 `
sudo -H pip3 install flask configparser
Create a telegram-housebot.conf following the example in telegram-housebot.conf.example. Be sure to include the Telegram api key, the house's group chat id, the server address, and each member of the house's telegram user id