A React- and Express-based app that uses the OpenAI API to generate trivia questions and answers from a given category, lets the user edit or modify them, then saves the file in a custom format.
Create an environment variable for your OpenAI API key:
npm install
to install dependenciesnpm start
to start both Express server and React front-end
- Select category type (i.e. Text, Image, or Audio)
- Input trivia category and number of questions to generate
- For Text category type:
- Call is made to OpenAI API to generate questions and answers
- Edit the question and/or answer
- For Image or Audio category type:
- Five blank pairs are returned
- Input file path (or use file manager to select file)
- For all question/answer pairs, select 2 Easy, 2 Medium, and 1 Difficult before generating the next category
- When finished, click "Save" to save the file in a custom format to the
- To run the app in development mode, use
npm run dev
. The response from the OpenAI API will be mocked.