This is the Dremio Native connector for Tableau, which utilizes the Tableau Connector SDK
to build what looks like a native named data source in Tableau.
The parts of the connector are:
- connector-dialog.tcd - The connection dialog UI for Tableau.
- connectionBuilder.js - The script which creates the JDBC connection URL from the properties passed from the connection dialog.
- connectionRequired.js - Indicates which properties are required to make a connection.
- connectionResolver.tdr - Indicates to Tableau the other files to be used in the connector.
- dialect_plugin.tdd - File providing the mapping from Tableau's AST to Dremio's SQL dialect
- manifest.xml - The top-level file giving driver metadata.
To run the connector in development, see
To test the connector in development, see
To package the driver for shipment, see
To manually sign the file, you can package the file as unsigned and then run:
jarsigner -keystore NONE -storetype PKCS11 -tsa <tsaUrl> -providerClass -providerArg <dir>/pkcs11.cfg packaged-connector/dremio.taco 'Certificate for Digital Signature' -certchain fullchain.pem
Additional information, including samples, can be found at