Cross platform resource monitor.
Dark mode is also supported.
Corestats allows you to visualize the utilization of your computer resources the same way in different platforms.
Currently, with Corestats you can monitor:
- CPU usage
- Memory usage
- Storage usage
- Runnig processes
Individual process and GPU monitoring are not supported yet, but are on the way.
I'm also working on a mobile version.
NodeJS and Rust-Cargo are required for building.
Install dependencies with
npm install
Then you can start the app in developing mode with
npm run tauri dev
Or build in release mode with
npm run tauri build
On linux, you might need to install other dependencies. Check for more information.
Please consider this as a proof of concept. This is not a production ready software and there a lot of things that can be improved, so use it at your own risk.
If you find a bug, please report it opening a new issue.
Also, ideas for new features and contributions are welcome.