A WebIDL offline-parser library.
Since the WebIDL is a so called living standard (no proper versioning, no changelog, no version in the actual IDL-files, ...) parsing IDL files comes with a certain amount of trickyness, and thus judging a parser error as a syntax error (and if so - for what version of the standard?) or as a bug/fault/error in the parser implementation is - to say the least - tricky. Thus I implore you, if you stumble upon an IDL file that Funghi does not parse, or do not parse properly please contact the author so that the library can - if need be - be rectified and the actual IDL file be added to the testing resources. Especially so if the file is used "in the wild" - as in an actual browser!
- Can dictionary members be union types?
- Can getters be defined using unnion type as return type?
- Can getter/setter/deleter arguments use union types?
- Can an identifier be the value of a keyword? (ex. an operation named "any" or a dictionary named "interface" or "getter")
- Can default values be a string consisting of whitespace characters that is defined by not using an escape sequence? (any combination of space, new line, return, tab, ...)