Rails Plugin - soft-delete your ActiveRecord records. It's like an explicit version of ActsAsParanoid
Intelligent Stimulus tooling for Visual Studio Code, Neovim, and more!
Oaken upgrades your development seeds, lets you reuse them in tests & blends the best of fixtures & factories into one cohesive whole.
ruby code actions for null-ls in neovim
A roadmap to learn Kubernetes from scratch (Beginner to Advanced level)
uvu is an extremely fast and lightweight test runner for Node.js and the browser
Declutter your test files from large hardcoded data and update them automatically when your code changes
Build & serve static sites (e.g. Jekyll, Hugo) from your Rails app
DevOps methodology & roadmap for a devops developer in 2019. Interesting books to learn new technologies.
A convention over configuration approach for deploying Rails apps.
calculate_all method for aggregate functions in Active Record
A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
Just Another Ruby Debugger. Provide a rich Terminal UI that visualizes everything your need, navigates your program with pleasure, stops at matter places only, reduces manual and mental efforts. Yo…
Fast and powerful Git hooks manager for any type of projects.
JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive real-time graphs
Don't just present; interact with your audience!
Combination of multiple linters to run as a GitHub Action or standalone
A GitHub Action that starts preview deployments for your pull requests and branches. It can work with any application that has a valid Docker Compose file.
CSS only library to fill empty background with beautiful patterns.
A set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for UI development.
Bootstrap Kubernetes the hard way. No scripts.
Modestly awesome list of StimulusJS related content.
A flamegraph generator for Postgres EXPLAIN ANALYZE output.