Copyright (c) 2013 Jesse Baird <>
Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
A jQuery UI widget that aims to replace the default browser scroll bar with one that can be easily styled using css. Also has support for nested scrollable elements. I uses scrollTop / scrollLeft dom properties so it should play nice with any other scroll plugins.
- jQuery 1.4 +
- jQuery UI 1.8.16 (core, widget factory, draggable, position)
- jQuery mousewheel plugin - Copyright (c) 2010 Brandon Aaron (
- click - user clicked on track or scroll bar
- scroll - the scrollPos has changed
- scrollSpeed {int} 100 speed at which the target is scrolled
- animationSpeed {int} 100 speed at which the scroll bar is moved when the track is clicked
- orientation {string} vertical or horizontal
- minScrollBarWidth {mixed} numeric value in % or false to disable(use css value and is always that width
- autoHide {boolean} hide the scroll bar if the content is not scrollable, show only when content scrolls
- scrollChangeInterval {int} 500 interval to check if the scroll content has changed, set to 0 to disable
- position {object}