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Speech-to-text support for Galene

Galene-stt is an implementation of real-time speech-to-text (automatic subtitling) for the Galene videoconferencing server. Depending on how it is run, galene-stt may either produce a transcript of a conference, or display captions in real time.

Galene-stt connects to a Galene server using the same protocol as any other client, and may therefore be run on any machine that can connect to the server. This allows running galene-stt on a machine with a powerful GPU without requiring a GPU to be available on the server.


Build and install whisper.cpp:

git clone
cd whisper.cpp
cmake -Bbuild
cd build
make -j
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd ..

Whisper.cpp does not scale well on the CPU, for production usage is is necessary to run on a GPU. If you have the CUDA compiler installed, you can build with GPU support by replacing the third line with:

cmake -Bbuild -DGGML_CUDA=1

It is also possible to run whisper.cpp over Vulkan or (reportedly) Core ML, please see the whisper.cpp documentation for details.

Now download your favourite model:

./models/ medium
cd ..

Install the libopus library. For example, under Debian, do

apt install libopus-dev

Build galene-stt:

git clone
cd galene-stt
go build

Put the models where galene-stt will find them:

ln -s ../whisper.cpp/models .


By default, galene-stt produces a transcript on standard output:


In order to produce real-time captions, create a user called speech-to-text with the chat permission in your Galene group:

    "users": {
       "speech-to-text": {"permissions": "chat", "password": ...}

Then run galene-stt with the -caption flag:

./galene-stt -caption

Galene-stt defaults to english; for other languages, use the -lang flag:

./galene-stt -lang fr

If galene-stt reports dropped audio, then your machine is not fast enough for the selected model. Specify a faster model using the -model command-line option. In my testing, however, models smaller than medium did not produce useful output.

./galene-stt -caption -model models/ggml-tiny.bin \

— Juliusz Chroboczek