When complete, I hope to show:
- working keycloak server
- public web app realm
- bearer token service realm
- LDAP user federation
- themed login/account pages
- user attribute mapping
- sample angular application
- keycloak login
- call to sample services
- keycloak protected JEE application
- secure url - web.xml
- secure ejb layer
- access to keycloak access token and resources
- Added nginx ssl reverse proxy
- keycloak is accessed as
- serenity services are accessed as
- startup vagrant vm
- follow vm-keycloak README.md to setup vm
- start vm
- build war files
gradle clean build
- creates
- creates
- copy war files to vm for deployment
cp serenity/build/libs/serenity.war vm-keycloak/shared
cd vm-keycloak; vagrant ssh
sudo -u wildfly cp /shared/*.war /opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/deployments
sudo service keycloak start
sudo service wildfly start
- start cortex application
cd cortex
npm install
bower install
gulp serve
- will launch app in browser
- uses gulp/browser-sync
- login to keycloak with default admin/admin credentials
- NOTE: you will need to set another admin password