OSDK-ROS 4.0.0 was released on 8 May 2020.You need to read newest update below to get update information. Please see the release notes and ROS sample setup for more information.And We will update ROS Wiki later.
This 4.0 version releases a feature package: dji_sdk. The package contains two different framework's interface. OSDK-ROS-obsoleted kept ros3.8.1's interface.
(note:We will cancel support for the OSDK-ROS-obsoleted's interface in the next version.)
OSDK-ROS4.0 interface | OSDK-ROS-obsoleted interface |
files below in dji_sdk folder | files below in dji_sdk_obsoleted folder |
This update mainly includes:
- Redesigned the 4.0 version of the framework and interface (ROS side interacts with the OSDK side through the wrapper layer, business-related interfaces are fully encapsulated into the wrapper layer, and the ROS side provides all services and topics);
- OSDK-ROS4.0's interfaces are completely matched with onboard-sdk4.0.0.
- Version 4.0 provides a main node (dji_vehicle_node), which completes the activation of the drone, the acquisition of control rights, and the initialization of all services and topics;
nodes | services's name | topics's name |
flight_control_node | flight_task_control | |
set_go_home_altitude | ||
set_current_point_as_home | ||
enable_avoid | ||
advanced_sensing_node | advanced_sensing | cameradata |
gimbal_camera_control_node | gimbal_task_control | |
camera_task_set_EV | ||
camera_task_set_shutter_speed | ||
camera_task_set_aperture | ||
camera_task_set_ISO | ||
camera_task_set_focus_point | ||
camera_task_tap_zoom_point | ||
camera_task_zoom_ctrl | ||
camera_start_shoot_single_photo | ||
camera_start_shoot_aeb_photo | ||
camera_start_shoot_burst_photo | ||
camera_start_shoot_interval_photo | ||
camera_stop_shoot_photo | ||
camera_record_video_action | ||
wapoint(will be supported in next version) | waypoint(will be supported in next version) | waypoint(will be supported in next version) |
- At the same time, we kept all services and topics of osdk-ros 3.8.1. If you want to use these interfaces,you need to run dji_sdk_node and use it's services and topics.
(note: These interfaces are not fully compatible with onboard-sdk4.0.0.And they will not be supported in next osdk-ros version.)
The system environment we have tested is in the table below.
system version | ubuntu 16.04 |
processor architecture | x86(mainfold2-c),armv8(mainfold2-c) |
OSDK-ROS4.0's firmware compatibility depends on onboard-sdk4.0.0's. you can get more information here;
you need to install ros first.Install instruction can be found at: http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Installation. We just tested ROS kinetic version.
We compile with C + + 11 Standard.
you need to download onboard-sdk4.0.0,and install it.
$mkdir build
$cd build
$cmake ..
$make -j7
$sudo make install
$sudo apt install ros-{release}-nmea-comms
note:we only test on kinetic,but it should be support on other version.
$sudo apt install ffmpeg
$sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev
We use OpenCV to show images from camera stream. Download and install instructions can be found at: http://opencv.org. Tested with OpenCV 3.2.0.
You need to add your user to the dialout group to obtain read/write permissions for the uart communication.
Then log out of your user account and log in again for the permissions to take effect.
You will need to add an udev file to allow your system to obtain permission and to identify DJI USB port.
$cd /etc/udev/rules.d/
$sudo vi DJIDevice.rules
Then add these content into DJIDevice.rules.
$SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2ca3", MODE="0666"
At last,you need to reboot your computer to make sure it works.
If you don't have a catkin workspace, create one as follows:
$mkdir catkin_ws
$cd catkin_ws
$mkdir src
$cd src
Download osdk-ros 4.0 and put it into src.
$cd ..
1.Remember to source your setup.bash.
$source devel/setup.bash
2.Edit the launch file and enter your App ID, Key, Baudrate and Port name in the designated places.
(note:there are two launch file.
dji_sdk_node.launch is for dji_sdk_node.(3.8.1's interface)
dji_vehicle_node is for dji_vehicle_node(4.0.0's interface))
$rosed dji_sdk dji_sdk_node.launch
$rosed dji_sdk dji_vehicle_node.launch
3.Remember to add UserConfig.txt to correct path.(in the current work directory)
If you want to run dji_sdk_node.launch, you need to put UserConfig.txt into /home/{user}/.ros. dji_vehicle_node.launch does not need UserConfig.txt.
1.Start up the dji_sdk ROS node.
if you want to use OSDK ROS 4.0.0's services and topics:
$roslaunch dji_sdk dji_vehicle_node.launch
if you want to adapt to OSDK ROS 3.8.1's services and topics:
$roslaunch dji_sdk dji_sdk_node.launch
2.Open up another terminal and cd to your catkin_ws location, and start up a sample (e.g. flight control sample).
$source devel/setup.bash
$rosrun dji_sdk flight_control_node
note:if you want to rosrun dji_sdk_node,you need to put UserConfig.txt into current work directory.
3.Follow the prompt on screen to choose an action for the drone to do.
You can get support from DJI and the community with the following methods:
- Email to [email protected]
- Report issue on github