Rubin Observatory
- Long Beach, CA
- jeffcarlin.github.io
A fast Lomb-Scargle periodogram. It's nifty, and uses a NUFFT!
Lecture slides, Jupyter notebooks, and other material from the LSSTC Data Science Fellowship Program
Example notebooks demonstrating use of the analysis_tools package for generating science performance plots and metrics
Python pipeline to generate mock astrometric and photometric catalogs of synthetic stars derived from particle-based simulated star populations
linking stars to observational selection functions through ssi
Database of local volume dwarf galaxies and star clusters
Package for making useful plots from LSST/Rubin Observatory Solar System Data
An open access book on scientific visualization using python and matplotlib
Python project best practices for scientific software
Repository to plan and coordinate some of the Science Release and Validation Working Group tasks
Simple binning search for ultra-faint galaxies
✨ ArtPop – Building artificial galaxies one star at a time.
Characterize a stream track with minimal knowledge.
A code to make predictions for the number of resolved stars in a given observation with the future Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (RST)
FitsMap: A Simple, Lightweight Tool For Displaying Interactive Astronomical Image and Catalog Data
LSST Simulations repository for baseline evaluation information
Contributed code for MAF (sims_maf)
Structural fit to HST imaging of Eridanus II and its central star cluster (Simon et al. 2020)
Participant selection for workshops and conferences made easy
General analysis tools for the DC2 Data Set.
Multi-Resolution Filtering: a method for isolating faint, extended emission in Dragonfly data and other low resolution images