govtrack.us-web Public
Forked from govtrack/govtrack.us-webThe Django source code for the GovTrack.us website.
Python UpdatedDec 10, 2015 -
bill-status Public
Forked from usgpo/bill-statusSample Bill Status XML files and draft User Guide
UpdatedDec 7, 2015 -
congress-legislators Public
Forked from unitedstates/congress-legislatorsMembers of the United States Congress, 1789-Present, in YAML, as well as committees, presidents, and vice presidents.
Python UpdatedDec 6, 2015 -
sitemap Public
Forked from usgpo/sitemapHow to use FDsys sitemaps to crawl for content and metadata
UpdatedNov 10, 2015 -
congress Public
Forked from unitedstates/congressPublic domain data collectors for the work of Congress, including legislation, amendments, and votes.
Python Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedNov 2, 2015 -
LocalHomePage Public
Forked from cmall/LocalHomePageA Local Home Page for OSX Web Development
PHP UpdatedOct 15, 2015 -
Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository and all pull requests are ignored. Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improvements.
C Other UpdatedApr 24, 2014 -
windows_filewatcher_service Public
Forked from jeffweiss/windows_filewatcher_serviceWindows Service to watch a directory for certain types of files and email you about them
C# UpdatedSep 21, 2013 -
documents and designs for enhanced political participation
1 UpdatedDec 23, 2011 -
Annotum Public
Forked from Annotum/AnnotumA scholarly authoring and publishing platform based on WordPress.
Git-Source-Control-Provider Public
Forked from yysun/Git-Source-Control-ProviderGit Source Control Provider is a visual studio plug-in that integrates Git with visual studio solution explorer.
FolderMonitor Public
Forked from twjacobsen/FolderMonitorMonitor folders for changes, copy to an other location
C# UpdatedJan 11, 2011 -
service-oriented-design-with-ruby Public
Forked from pauldix/service-oriented-design-with-rubyCode examples from my forthcoming book "Service Oriented Design in Ruby and Rails"
NagiosPluginsNT Public
Forked from jbuchbinder/NagiosPluginsNTNagios check plugins written in C# .NET