OpengGL ES port of the classic gl gears demo for the Raspberry Pi written in c.
The following files should be in the build directory:
- Makefile
The c source files are in the src directory, c header files are in the include directory. GLSL vertex and fragment shader source files are located in the shaders directory.
In a terminal session, change directory to the build directory where the RPIGears Makefile file is located. Use make at the commandline to build RPIGears:
No special libraries/packages are required to build if using Raspbian.
To run the demo type ./RPIGears
The demo runs in a X11 window. To
exit the demo press esc or enter key on the keyboard.
usage: ./RPIGears.bin [options]
options: -vsync | -exit | -info | -vbo
-vsync : wait for vertical sync before new frame is displayed
-exit : automatically exit RPIGears after 30 seconds
-info : display opengl driver info
-vbo : use vertex buffer object in GPU memory
-line : draw lines only, wire frame mode
-nospin: gears don't turn
Options can be used in any combination.
i - print GL info to console
h - print help info
l - toggle draw mode GL_TRIAGLES/GL_LINES/GL_POINTS
o - print command line options to console
v - toggle vertical sync on/off
< - decrease gear spin rate
- increase gear spin rate
p - stop the gears from rotating
a - move camera left
d - move camera right
w - move camera up
s - move camera down
r - move camera away from gears
f - move camera toward gears
I - add another draw instance of the gears
O - remove an instance of the gears
R - reload shaders
b - toggle use of vertex buffer objects for gear vertex data