instructions for assembly of the stargate baby10 sequencer
3: NE555P
3: 8pin IC socket
1: CD4017BE
1: 16 pin IC socket
1: SMD power switch - SW_POW1
1: 8ohm speaker - LS1 - (square hole is +)
12: 470k potentiometers
20: 1N4148/1N4531 diodes
21: THT switches
10: 3mm LED
12: 1k bias/555 resistors THT
1: 1.0 uF Polarized
1: 10 uF Polarized
1: 0.01 uF
1: 0.1 uF
1: 9v battery holder with leads (BT1 - square hole is +)
For Frontside mounting: LEDs, Potentiometers, THT Switches
For Backside mounting: Resistors, Capacitors, IC sockets -> ICs,
Diodes, 9v Battery wires(+ is square pad, - is circular pad)
There are 2 switches that correspond to each step,
they are located to the left and right of the LED
for that step.
Each one is a different function for that step.
The left switch is to skip the step, while the
right switch is to reset at that step*
There is also a skip enable switch located above the
3rd step's potentiometer. To enable position the
switch towards the outside edge of the board.