Links and credits for a Jenny Bryan talk delivered at:
- 10th Conference of the IASC-ARS/68th Annual NZSA Conference, hosted by the Department of Statistics, The University of Auckland in 10-14 Dec 2017
- Latin-R (, held in Buenos Aires 04-05 Sept 2018. Part of 47 JAIIO (
See the slides:
- On Speakerdeck:
- As a PDF here: 2018-09_bryan-zen-art-workflow.pdf short link to here short link to here
Where to find me:
UBC Master of Data Science
"50 Years of Data Science" by Donoho
- David Donoho (2017) 50 Years of Data Science, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 26:4, 745-766, DOI: 10.1080/10618600.2017.1384734.
- Full text:
"Data Science: A Three Ring Circus or a Big Tent?", comment by J Bryan, H Wickham on Donoho's "50 Years of Data Science"
- Jennifer Bryan & Hadley Wickham (2017) Data Science: A Three Ring Circus or a Big Tent?, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 26:4, 784-785, DOI: 10.1080/10618600.2017.1389743.
- Full text:
David Robinson's tweet:
"We don't have to teach data science, it's just a fancy word for statistics"
"Why would we teach programming? This is a statistics course"
useR! 2004 re: Mächler
- Slides for keynotes:
Karl Broman's hipsteR site:
RStudio Desktop:
Tweets about #rstats tricks we wish we'd known sooner
Blog post about "Project-oriented workflow":
- Written in response to the response to the first version of this talk!
Trevor Branch tweet about expecting to redo your analysis:
Ruben's depictions of wife Isabella Brant (thanks to Matt Lincoln!)
My Ode to the here package, package author = Kirill Müller
gapminder data cleaning is an example of analysis broken into pieces
Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about version control? by Bryan
Practical Data Science for Stats, PeerJ Preprint Collection
Good enough practices in scientific computing by Wilson, Bryan, Cranston, Kitzes, Nederbragt, Teal