π©βπ¬ Useful set of Liquid filters for XML files composition in Eleventy projects.
This plugins automatically adds a set of filters that Jekyll adds to the already built-in ones in Liquid template language to help you compose XML files like RSS feeds or sitemaps.
# npm
npm i eleventy-xml-plugin --save
# yarn
yarn add eleventy-xml-plugin
Include it as a plugin in your Eleventy project.
// .eleventy.js
const xmlFiltersPlugin = require('eleventy-xml-plugin')
module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
Used in RSS feed as a valid publish date format.
<pubDate>{{ post.date | 'date_to_rfc822' }}</pubDate>
Used in sitemaps as valid last modified date format.
<lastmod>{{ page.date | 'date_to_xmlschema' }}</lastmod>
Used to safely escape HTML entities in XML files.
<title>{{ post.data.title | 'xml_escape' }}</title>
This filter uses the html-entities package under-the-hood.
To contribute Node.js and yarn are required.
Before commit make sure to follow conventional commits specification and check all tests pass by running yarn test