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Conditional Generative Adversial Network with MXNet R package

This tutorial shows how to build and train a Conditional Generative Adversial Network (CGAN) on MNIST images.

Getting started

To end-to-end data preperation, model building and image generation is contained within single scripts. Three variations are presented:

  • CGAN_deconv.R: Generator using deconcolutions.
  • CGAN_upsample.R: Generator using upsampling.
  • CGAN_upsample.R: Generator and Discriminator using embedded representation of the digits rather than one-hot encoding. Serves as an example on how to tackle more complex generative tasks.

How GAN works

A Generative Adversial Model simultaneously trains two models: a generator that learns to output fake samples from an unknown distribution and a discriminator that learns to distinguish fake from real samples.

The CGAN is a conditional variation of the GAN where the generator is instructed to generate a real sample having specific characteristics rather than a generic sample from full distribution. Such condition could be the label associated with an image like in this tutorial or a more detailed tag as shown in the example below:

Image credit: Scott Reed

Initial setup

The following packages are needed to run the tutorials:


Data preperation

The MNIST dataset is available on Kaggle. Once train.csv is downloaded into the data/ folder, we can import into R.

train <- fread('data/train.csv')
train <- data.matrix(train)

train_data <- train[,-1]
train_data <- t(train_data/255)
train_label <- as.integer(train[,1])

dim(train_data) <- c(28, 28, 1, ncol(train_data))


The generator is a network that creates novel samples (MNIST images) from 2 inputs:

  • Noise vector
  • Labels defining the object condition (which digit to produce)

The noise vector provides the building blocks to the Generator model, which will learns how to structure that noise into a sample. The mx.symbol.Deconvolution operator is used to upsample the initial input from a 1x1 shape up to a 28x28 image. Alernatively, a combination of upsampling and regular convolution can be used.

The information on the label for which to generate a fake sample is provided by a one-hot encoding of the label indices that is appended to the random noise. For MNIST, the 0-9 indices are therefore converted into a binary vector of length 10. More complex applications would require embeddings rather than simple one-hot to encode the condition.


The discriminator attempts to distinguish between fake samples produced by the generator and real ones sampled from MNIST training data.

In a conditional GAN, the labels associated with the samples are also provided to the Discriminator. In this demo, this information is again provided as a hot-hot encoding of the label that is broadcast to match the image dimensions (10 -> 28x28x10).

Training logic

The training process of the discriminator is most obvious: the loss is simple a binary TRUE/FALSE response and that loss is propagated back into the CNN network. It can therefore be understood as a simple binary classification problem.

# Train discriminator on fakes
real_flag <- mx.nd.zeros(shape = batch_size, ctx = mx.cpu())
                          arg.arrays = list(data = exec_G$ref.outputs$G_sym_output, 
                                            digit = iter_value$label, 
                                            real_flag = real_flag), 
mx.exec.forward(exec_D, is.train = T)

update_args_D <- updater_D(weight = exec_D$ref.arg.arrays, grad = exec_D$ref.grad.arrays)
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(exec = exec_D, arg.arrays = update_args_D, skip.null=TRUE)

# Train discriminator on reals
                          arg.arrays = list(data = iter_value$data, 
                                            digit = iter_value$label, 
                                            real_flag = mx.nd.ones(shape = batch_size)), 
mx.exec.forward(exec_D, is.train=T)
update_args_D <- updater_D(weight = exec_D$ref.arg.arrays, grad = exec_D$ref.grad.arrays)
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(exec = exec_D, arg.arrays = update_args_D, skip.null=TRUE)

The generator loss comes from the backpropagation of the the discriminator loss into its generated output. By faking the generator labels to be real samples into the discriminator, the discriminator back-propagated loss provides the generator with the information on how to best adapt its parameters to trick the discriminator into believing the fake samples are real.

This requires to backpropagate the gradients up to the input data of the discriminator (whereas this input gradient is typically ignored in vanilla feedforward network).

# Update Generator weights - use discriminator data gradient as input to the generator backpropagation
                          arg.arrays = list(data = exec_G$ref.outputs$G_sym_output, 
                                            digit = iter_value$label, 
                                            real_flag = mx.nd.ones(shape = batch_size)), 

mx.exec.forward(exec_D, is.train=T)
D_grads <- exec_D$ref.grad.arrays$data
mx.exec.backward(exec_G, out_grads = D_grads)

update_args_G <- updater_G(weight = exec_G$ref.arg.arrays, grad = exec_G$ref.grad.arrays)
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(exec_G, update_args_G, skip.null=TRUE)

The above training steps are executed in the CGAN_train.R script.

Monitor the training

During training, the imager package facilitates the visual quality assessment of the fake samples.

if (iteration==1 | iteration %% 100==0){
  par(mfrow=c(3,3), mar=c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1))
  for (i in 1:9) {
    img <- as.array(exec_G$ref.outputs$G_sym_output)[,,,i]
    plot(as.cimg(img), axes=F)

Below are samples obtained at different stage of the training.

Starting from noise:

Slowly getting it - iteration 200:

Generate specified digit images on demand - iteration 2400:


Once the model is trained, synthetic images of the desired digit can be produced by feeding the generator with fixed labels rather than the randomly generated ones used during the training.

Here we will generate fake "9":

digit<- mx.nd.array(rep(9, times=batch_size))
data<- = digit, depth = 10)
data<- mx.nd.reshape(data = data, shape = c(1,1,-1, batch_size))

exec_G<- mx.simple.bind(symbol = G_sym, data=data_shape_G, ctx = devices, grad.req = "null")
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(exec_G, G_arg_params,
mx.exec.update.arg.arrays(exec_G, list(data=data),
mx.exec.update.aux.arrays(exec_G, G_aux_params,

mx.exec.forward(exec_G, is.train=F)

Further details of the CGAN methodology can be found in the paper Generative Adversarial Text to Image Synthesis.


Generative Adversial Network Example






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