A PHP class to wrap Viddler's API version 2. To access version 1 of PHPViddler please see the v1.0 tag on GitHub.
For more information, visit our developer site
PHPViddler is fully OOP. Like snOOP dogg. Ok, not like him.
- Download the most recent version.
- Upload phpviddler.php
- Include phpviddler.php
- Initiate Viddler class like this $v = new Viddler_V2('YOUR API KEY HERE');
$v = new Viddler_V2('Your API Key');
// Example find videos by user
$videos = $v->viddler_videos_getByUser('viddlerdevtest');
foreach($videos['list_result']['video_list'] as $video) {
viddler_videos_upload() can accept a second parameter for defining the upload end-point that the API has given you to use. This is best practice for the very quickest upload possible. Find the example code in /examples/uploadExample.php
Included in PHPviddler is an /examples/ directory with a few code examples. These have been updated to use version 2 of our API and include GET, POST, and upload examples.
phpViddler is dual-licensed under the MIT License. The details of this can be found MITlicense.txt