simple client architecture using axios, typescript, moca, chai, and mock axios
- note the "dist" folder is commited, normally it wouldnt be. However, in order to make it so the typescript doesnt have to be compile,
- node version "v14.15.0" or greater this was ran with. I would recommend installing node with "nvm" using this repo ""
- clone the directory
- install node
- while in the directory run "npm i"
- run the script with "npm run start" and the data should be output to the terminal optional 5) run tests with "npm run test"
- note: I didnt code up the tests for each function and validating output. Setting up the project, analysis, and writing the code, I believe is enough to get what was wanted from this exercise. I would have liked an expected output to compare my resulting output with.
example output below
> npm run start
- started by analizing the desired output and seeing the keys are derived
- decided that the keys were best derived by following a method similar to how I would imagine SQL would do it. a) merging everything into a single table b) itterating over that resulting array to pull out the derived keys
- setup the base client configuration with folder structure, typescript, services, testing, and environment configuration.
- wrote the code from point 2
- improved unit and integration tests
- circleci script to validate that the installation and run process will work on any machine
- using sql lite to do selections before aggregating over the results to derive the desired keys