The insight•full app allows you to track your meditation sessions and add insights on how your session went. You can then view your practice over time and read your journal of insights gained during your sessions.
View Node working prototype here: insight•full View React working prototype here: insight•full
Landing Page
As a user, I want to understand what the app is so that I can decide if I want to sign up
Sign Up Page
As a user, I want to sign up so that I can save my information
Log In Page
As a user, I want to log in so I can have access to my tracker
Dashboard Page
As a user, I want to see my meditation stats so that I can have a better idea of how my practice is going
Add Session Page
As a user, I want to add my meditation day so that I can track my practice
Insights Page
As a user, I want to read my journal entries so that I can reflect on my practice
Settings Page
As a user, I want to log out so that I can keep my info safe
Change Password Page
As a user, I want to change my password so that I can keep my info safe
Landing Page
Landing Page Mobile
Sign Up Page
Log In Page
Log In Page Mobile
Dashboard Page
Dashboard Page Mobile
Add Session Page
Add Session Page Mobile
Insights Page
Insights Page Mobile
Settings Page
Settings Page Mobile
Change Password Page
Change Password Page Mobile
Meditation Tracker was built with:
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- mLab database
- Mocha and Chai for testing
This app is built to be responsive to smaller screen sizes using a float-grid css and media screen width breakpoint of 700px for smaller screen sizes
Features for future iterations include:
- Add ability to view one insight entry on a separate page
- Add filter to Insights page to filter by time, app, date
- Add links to meditation resources
- Add an app timer to meditate with
- npm install ==> install all node modules
- nodemon server.js ==> run node server
- npm test ==> run the tests
- npm install ==> install all node modules
- npm run build ==> build the react files in the "build" folder
- npm start ==> run react server on
- npm test ==> run the tests