Tags: jesa1/barclamp-dns
Unbreak initial chef-client run Commit 0308647 and the following commits caused a crash during the initial chef-client (during crowbar installation) run because node[:dns][:zones] was referenced before it's acutally initialized.
Merge pull request crowbar#103 from vuntz/bind9-deps Add dependencies in bind9 metadata
Merge pull request crowbar#93 from vuntz/vip-hostname Fix hostnames for admin virtual IPs
Merge pull request crowbar#82 from tboerger/feature/add-records Added functionality to add A records with the UI to the main zone file
Merge pull request crowbar#74 from mapleoin/new-webui Supergut and totally unsmokeable ATM. Even if it would break, we would end up in RAW mode again, so no harm possible :-)
Merge pull request crowbar#68 from saschpe/release/pebbles/master-fix… …up-forward-only-ubuntu Set forward-only only on SUSE
Merge pull request crowbar#52 from ociuhandu/pull-req-release-pebbles… …-master-58a2078e8676eb14d4439f36e1ad3e1385f0a21b crowbar#52 Merged by devtool for VictorLowther
Merge pull request crowbar#45 from rhafer/release/pebbles/master crowbar#45 Merged by devtool for VictorLowther
Add bind-libs as an explicit dependency for redhat to ensure proper u… …pdates.
Add bind-libs as an explicit dependency for redhat to ensure proper u… …pdates.