- Pre-Reading:
- Learning Objectives
- Students will understand and be able to use the command line for
- creating a folder
- creating a file
- editing a file
- changing directories
- Students will understand what Git and Github are and how they fit into the web app landscape
- Students will be able to Fork a repo and know it’s purpose
- Students will be able to clone a repo and know it’s purpose
- Students will be able to add, commit, and push files to github
- Students will understand branching and it’s purpose
- Students will understand how to use github in a group setting
- Students will know how to create an upstream to master
- Students will be able to handle merge conflicts
- Students will be able to minimally manage vim to escape merge conflict messages
- Students will know how to make a Pull Request
- Students will be able to pull changes from the master repo
- Students will understand and be able to use the command line for
- Project:
- Additional Reading:
- Learning Objectives
- Students will understand the purpose of HTML
- Students will understand the purpose of CSS
- Students will from scratch, be able to create a skeleton for their html and css page
- understand and be able to use the following HTML Elements
- p
- footer
- header
- h1 - h6
- ul
- li
- div
- Understand and be able to use the following CSS properties
- id (#) vs class(.) and specificity
- width px & %
- height px & %
- background-color
- background-image
- color
- font-size
- text-align: center
- line-height
- box-model (margin, padding, border)
- float
- clear
- Project:
- Pre-Reading:
- Learning Objectives
- Students will be able to use Chrome Dev Tools to inspect their HTML/CSS
- Students will understand the purpose of CSS
- Students will be able to compare and contrast fixed, relative, absolute, and static positioning in CSS
- Students will be able to compare and contrast display block, inline-block, inline, and none
- Students will be able to compare and contrast overflow hidden, auto, scroll
- Students will understand and be able to use max/min-width and max/min-height
- Projects:
- Pre-Reading:
- (Continued) Learning Objectives
- Students will be able to use Chrome Dev Tools to inspect their HTML/CSS
- Students will understand the purpose of CSS
- Students will be able to compare and contrast fixed, relative, absolute, and static positioning in CSS
- Students will be able to compare and contrast display block, inline-block, inline, and none
- Students will be able to compare and contrast overflow hidden, auto, scroll
- Students will understand and be able to use max/min-width and max/min-height
- Projects:
- Additional Reading:
- Learning Objectives
- Students will understand and be able to explain the box model to someone else
- Students will understand media queries and be able to implement them
- Students will understand when and when not to use floating elements
- Project:
- Additional Reading:
- Pre-Reading:
- Learning Objectives
- Students will understand how the web works:
- front-end vs back-end
- the web app landscape
- Students will understand JavaScript vs jQuery
- Students will understand what the DOM is
- Students will understand conditional statements and how they’re used
- Students will understand functions:
- invocation vs definition
- parameters vs arguments
- global and local scope
- anonymous functions
- return values and how to save the returned value to another variable
- Students will understand how the web works:
- Project:
- Pre-Reading:
- Learning Objectives
- Students will understand Arrays:
- purpose
- how to get values from arrays
- array properties (length, push/pop, shift/unshift, split/join, splice/slice, reverse, indexOf)
- how to create an array
- how to loop through an array
- Students will understand Arrays:
- Project:
- Additional Reading:
- Pre-Reading:
- Learning Objectives
- Students will understand how Objects differ from Arrays
- Students will understand use cases for objects
- Students will understand how to create and add properties/values to objects
- Students will understand how to loop through objects
- Students will understand how to create and invoke a method
- Students will understand bracket notation vs dot notation
- Students will understand how to remove keys/props from objects (delete)
- Projects:
- Additional Reading:
- Pre-Reading:
- Learning Objectives
- Students will understand synchronous vs asynchronous programming
- Students will be able to talk about what a callback is
- Students will understand the use cases of callbacks
- Students will be able to identify and use callbacks
- Projects:
- Additional Reading:
- Pre-Reading:
- Learning Objectives
- Students will understand the difference between the maker pattern and constructor pattern
- Students will understand what the ‘this’ keyword does and be able to use it
- Students will understand what the ‘new’ keyword does and what the JavaScript compiler does when a function is called with the ‘new’ keyword
- Students will understand what prototypes are in JavaScript and be able to add a method on a functions prototype and create instances of that function that invoke the prototypes method
- Project:
- Additional Reading:
- Pre-Reading:
- Learning Objectives
- Students will be able to define what a closure is
- Students will be able to identify when a closure is being used
- Project:
- Additional Reading:
- Pre-Reading:
- Project:
- Before Class
- Learning Objectives
- Student will understand the DOM
- Students will be able to make basic manipulations to the DOM
- Students will understand visual and functional purpose of the jQuery
- Mini Project:
- Project:
- Before Class
- Project:
- Additional Reading:
- Before Class
- Learning Objectives
- Students will understand CRUD
- Students will be able to make GET and POST requests
- Students will understand why AJAX is important
- Mini Project:
- Additional Reading:
- Pre-Reading:
- Mini Project:
- Learning Objectives
- Students will understand the difference between jQuery and Angular and how Angular fits into the web app landscape
- Students will understand what a module, controller, directive, and service is in angular
- Students will be able to, from scratch, build a basic angular application, put data on a controller's scope, and bind that data to the view
- Students will be able to ng-repeat over data
- Students will be able to filter data
- Project:
- Additional Reading:
- Pre-Reading:
- Mini Project:
- Learning Objectives
- Students will understand the purpose of Services in Angular
- Students will know how to inject services into their controllers
- Students will know how to call methods on their services from in their controllers and put the response on $scope
- Students will know the difference between factories and services
- Project:
- Additional Reading:
- Pre-Reading:
- (Continued) Learning Objectives
- Students will understand the purpose of Services in Angular
- Students will know how to inject services into their controllers
- Students will know how to call methods on their services from in their controllers and put the response on $scope
- Students will know the difference between factories and services
- Project:
- Additional Reading:
- Pre-Reading:
- Mini Project:
- Learning Objectives
- Students will be able to explain what JSON is
- Students will be able to explain was REST is
- Students will be able to explain what AJAX is
- Students will make an ajax request with angular, call .then on the promise and add that data to the $scope
- Project:
- Additional Reading:
- Pre-Reading:
- (Continued) Learning Objectives
- Students will be able to explain what JSON is
- Students will be able to explain was REST is
- Students will be able to explain what AJAX is
- Students will make an ajax request with angular, call .then on the promise and add that data to the $scope
- Project:
- Pre-Reading:
- Mini Project:
- Learning Objectives
- Students will be able to make $http requests to various APIs
- Students will be able to use outside directives and know how to inject those modules into their application
- Students will be able to create, return, and resolve their own promises with $q
- Project:
- Pre-Reading:
- (Continued) Learning Objectives
- Students will be able to make $http requests to various APIs
- Students will be able to use outside directives and know how to inject those modules into their application
- Students will be able to create, return, and resolve their own promises with $q
- Project:
- Additional Reading:
- Additional Reading:
- Pre-Reading:
- Mini Project:
- Learning Objectives
- Students will understand the methodology behind routing and templating
- Students will be able to set up a basic routing system with multiple views and controllers using ngRoute
- Students will be able to use resolve to resolve data and pass in data to their controller before their controller initializes
- Students will be able to use routeParams to gather data from the URL
- Project:
- Additional Reading:
- Pre-Reading:
- (Continued) Learning Objectives
- Students will understand the methodology behind routing and templating
- Students will be able to set up a basic routing system with multiple views and controllers using ngRoute
- Students will be able to use resolve to resolve data and pass in data to their controller before their controller initializes
- Students will be able to use routeParams to gather data from the URL
- Project:
- Pre-Reading:
- Mini Project:
- Learning Objectives
- Students will understand how Directives fit into the Angular ecosystem
- Students will be able to create a custom directive and use it in a view
- Project:
- Additional Reading:
- Pre-Reading:
- Learning Objectives
- Students will understand how Directives fit into the Angular ecosystem
- Students will be able to create a custom directive and use it in a view
- Project:
- Pre-Reading:
- Learning Objectives
- Project:
- Additional Reading:
- Pre-Reading
- Learning Objectives
- Project:
- Additional Reading:
- Pre-Reading:
- Learning Objectives
- Students will understand the term CRUD
- Students will be able to use Angular’s $http service to make ajax requests to Parse’s RESTful endpoints, then put that data on $scope
- Project:
- Additional Reading:
- Parse Angular Demo
- Pre-Reading:
- Mini Project:
- Learning Objectives
- Students will understand how authentication works with Firebase
- Students will have a basic understanding of Firebase's api
- Students will have a basic understanding of AngularFire
- Project:
- Pre-Reading:
- Learning Objectives
- Students will understand how to build web applications in Firebase
- Students will be able to complete RTFM
- Project:
- Additional Reading:
- Additional Reading:
- Additional Reading:
- Additional Reading:
- Additional Reading: