Covid Vaccination Booking
Production Repo:
Covac is a web application designed to facilitate easy and convenient COVID-19 vaccination bookings. It provides users with a platform to schedule their vaccination appointments, ensuring a streamlined process and contributing to the global effort in ending the pandemic.
- User-friendly interface for booking COVID-19 vaccination appointments
- User Signup/Login.
- Master Admin/Login.
- Master Admin: Add New vaccination centers
- Vaccination Center: Appointments Records, Approve/Reject appointment
- ReactJs: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Ant Design: A design system for creating beautiful and responsive UI components
- HTML5: Markup language for structuring the web page
- CSS3: Styling language for enhancing the visual appearance
- JavaScript: Programming language for implementing dynamic functionality
- NodetJs: A Javascript library for server management
- ExpressJs : A Javascript library for serverbuilding
- MongoDB: NoSql Database
- Git: Version control system for tracking changes in the codebase
- GitHub: Hosting platform for storing and sharing the project repository
- Render: Free shared hosting this web app
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install the project:
npm install