Uber fancy directory listing/browsing for nginx using vue.js
Lets take a took at it.
- Open directories in place like a tree like view. Like macOS Finder.
- Fuzzy search indvidual directory nodes.
- Sort By name, size and date.
- Uses ajax to load directory list.
- Navigate using breadcrumb or browser's back/forward button (powered by html5 history api);
Nginx Config
server {
listen 8080;
server_name localhost;
root /Volumes/Storage;
index ..............;
autoindex on;
autoindex_format jsonp;
autoindex_localtime on;
set $is_json 0;
if ($args = "j") {
set $is_json 1;
location ~ /$ {
if ($is_json = 0) {
rewrite / /vueindex/index.html break;
Clone the repo to document root and run bower.
cd /Volumes/Storage
git clone https://github.com/jevermeister/nginx-vue-index vueindex
cd vueindex
yarn install
Now nagivate to localhost:8080 and you'll see directory listing of /Volumes/Storage
- nginx: Though i'm using nginx to serve the app and
nginx autoindex
module's json listing to provide data, the app has no hard requirement to nginx. App will run as long it gets json data in same format. - yarn: for installing libraries.